Our Social Impact

Employee ownership is the future of global economies and we are on a mission to empower thousands of employees globally to own the businesses they work for.

“Social Impact is not just about products and services that have a positive societal effect, such as housing for the homeless, plant-based products and food banks. It’s also about who controls, owns and takes the financial benefits from businesses, regardless of what they produce. 

There is also societal benefit in expanding who controls companies. One study estimates that if 30% of companies were owned by their workers the average household income would double, with the greatest benefit to those in poverty and minority households*”

A quote from The Impact Investing Institute

Three Reasons why Employee Ownership will help Shape the Future of the Economy and have a Profound Social Impact.

1. Offers a fair equity share and reduces wealth inequality

2. Increases job satisfaction, empowers confidence and introduces new skill sets

3. Helps improve the financial performance of SMEs and contributes to GDP growth

Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Valloop is aligned to 10 of the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UNSDGs). Looking beyond 2024, our commitment stands strong, and we'd love for you to join us in a future where employee ownership goes beyond profits, leaving a lasting mark on society and the economy.

The 10 SDGs we align to:

  1. No Poverty 

2. Good Health and Well-being 

3. Quality Education 

4. Gender Equality 

5. Decent work and Economic Growth 

6. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 

7. Reduced Inequalities 

8. Responsible Consumption and Production 

9. Climate Action 

10. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions